My Homemade Apple Pie

When it comes to cooking, honestly if you give me a number from 1-10 I'd give my self only 1 or 2... LOL! the only thing I can cook properly are pancakes that I learned about 10 years ago! No cutting, no bubbly oil hahaha. Easy-Deazy. But now I know as I'm getting older I HAVE to really start learn cooking. So two days ago I decided to try to bake a pie. An apple pie :) I have had it in mind for some time actually but unfortunately I just hadn't got around to it. Now that I have this 2 FREE months, well it's definitely time isn't it? ;)

I've been wanting to make a pie and even more ever since watched this movie above. Inspired! The Waitress. This is a romantic comedy, it's about bitter-sweet love and pie making, just deligtful! :) Trailer here for you curious noses! :p


So, you can make any pie, depending on the filling that you use, it doesn't always have to be fruits, you can put in chocolate, meat or even marshmallows, so get creative and create your own Pie. As for me, I wanted to make the famous old fashioned apple pie :)

 The Ingredients are very simple really :) I just took a random recipe from the internet. The amount of ingredient depends on the size of your pie. So you'll be making two things, the dough and the filling.

For the dough: Flour                                                            
                         Egg Yolk                                                                               
                         Cold Milk                                                                             
For the filling: Peeled apples
                        Cinnamon powder
                        Lemon juice


Step 1: Making the dough
Mix all the ingredients together to make a dough, once it's nicely mixed divide them in two    and put them in the fridge for more then 1 hour.

Step 2: Making the filling
Mix the filling cinnamon powder, salt, sugar, lemon juice and flour. Then, mix the mixture with the cut and peeled apples.

Step 3: Making the pie!
Get the dough out of the fridge. Take one dough for the bottom layer, flatten in by using a roller, put it in the baking pan. Next, put the filling on the dough, throughly. Then, take the other dough for the top layer, flattenn it with a roller too. Put the second dough on to the filling. Make sure that the bottom layer and the top layer can be attached to one other. Put some egg yolk on the top layer with a  brush or you can just use your hands :). Now you're almost done! Put it in the oven for about 45 minutes or more depending on your pie. Once it's done it's going to turn a little bit brown-ish and you can check the filling by sticking a fork in then pie. The filling should be tender.

Step 4: ENJOY! :D
Voila! It's done! Get it out of the oven, leave it an hour to cool and it's ready to be served. Yum!

 This is my pie how it looked before being put in the oven.

 And this is how it looked after I get it out of the oven (the pie was still cooling)

                                                                                    Thanks for passing by!
                                                                                                   xoxo Yasmin


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