
Showing posts from December, 2013


Hello fellas, I hope everyone is doing well and is extra happy! And if your not, everything's gonna be okay, it's not the end of the world, if it's not okay, it's not the end and you will be back on track on happy-land boulevard soon :) So keep reading because what I'm about to discuss might hopefully give you some insights and help at least one of you reading this and lift you up a little. So today's post is going to be a little more serious than what I usually write. I'm going to talk about a psychological state which is anxiety. So what it exactly? Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling ranging from worrying, fear, nervousness , panic, etc. Sometimes it even gets physical showing symptoms of sweating, feeling cold, shivering, nausea, rapid heart beat, chest pain, muscle stiffness, uneasiness to breathe and anything else not fun. What causes anxiety varies from person to person really, but we can all agree that it is from something that triggers stress and...