
To be very frank, I am not that much of a writer and I do love books but I'm not that big of a reader. I used to have this dream job when I was a kid that one day I'll be a novelist and create stories etc. Perhaps I will? Who knows? But as I grew up, it seems that writing has decreased its popularity in my interest LOL. Not to forget the language barrier that I had which might actually play a little bit part of it. But now I kind of like to revisit this old interest of mine. I'm not a poet, I don't create the most mouth-dropping beautiful arrangement of words and clauses, but as I type each and every letter of this post, I feel deliberated. Like an outlet of my thoughts and let it run or fly free. Despite whether anyone reads it, writing is surprisingly therapeutic!

According to a research, writing has a significant effect on one's psychological state. I found this one interesting article about 'expressive writing'. So basically it's like a self therapy that you can do. What you need is just a piece of paper and write for 20 minutes. Studies show that by doing so,  improvements occur in one's health. Here is the link to the article and this to another. Basically it's very simple really, it's just like writing a diary! Actually it is no wonder. Writing is one way of releasing tensions. It is indeed a therapy! 

Two last words: Try it! :)



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