Wait, it's been 5 years?

To this day I can't believe that I'm still religiously writing this blog lol. Oh, by the way this is just going to be something random. To be honest, I started this blog just to have fun, I wanna learn how to blog, as you know... I'm pretty much, always curious about how things work. And somewhat I enjoy writing, not necessarily anything poetry, just work my fingers above the keyboard really. So, I just scrolled to my oldest post and it was in 2010! Like, what? Has it been five years already? Even I'm amazed. So I guess I've turned this blog into a reviewing blog slash personal diary. As random as it sounds, to be honest I'd like to thank my younger self. Regardless whether anyone reads it.

I used to write diaries when I was a preteen-teenager (I wonder where those diaries are now? Hmm... I think they're in the attic, and probably will be rediscovered years from now, I hope I won't faint of embarrassment rereading them, lol), not everyday , but just on some special occasions that I find important to remember. Writing to me is healthy outlet. It's the same thing with blogging, except that I'm sharing it with the whole world. So of course you need to be more responsible and be aware of the things you share. Anyway, from years of writing, I have always found it fun and now that I think of it, I discovered that secret formula of F-U-N in writing. As you know, I have this weird thing about reading people, I like understanding people's psychological state and understanding why they're the way they are, examining gestures and paying attention to the way each person speaks, etc. And with writing, I feel like I could track myself down, it gives me a very clear picture about my thoughts, about who I am, about the state that I'm in. Moreover it just feels self assuring. I don't know if that's the same with other writers though. Call me super self-centered! LOL

But anyway, I do have this one dream. One day I would LOVE to write a reference book. Yeah those thick books you find in your university library, I want to be in them! So what I have in mind is that I'll be writing about 'Indonesian Craftsmanship in Design and Decorative Arts'. Now, why Yasmin? Why? First, because I just adore handcrafted, handmade products. They're full of love, soulful and nothing like any machine can make. Second, Indonesian craftsmanship is one of the best in the world, and I believe that the world needs to know that, that we Indonesians have artisan's souls LOL! No, seriously, we do! I think there should be more literatures about it, because honestly we still have so few about them. Three, never stop learning, ever! As for me and you. Back to the self-monitoring thingy, this is a way (at least for me) to help me learn more about my country and to learn to love it even more and more. I'm a believer that the best way to devote your madness and craziness (read: love) about a subject is by sharing them. All out. Yup, you're just filled up full with too much love that you have to pour it out (I really like this concept by the way). It feels so fulfilling, trust me. So I wish this (future) book will inspire a lot of people and open our eyes and minds, and hearts. Wish me luck! and I wish you lots as well! Let's build dreams! Wohoo!



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